2 min readJun 10, 2020


Something different: the problem with all lives matter 
Today’s post is not about productivity. I was conflicted wether to write this piece or just to "stay in my lane" "enough people are covering this" I said to myself, "I don’t know enough". Nonetheless, as a writer with strong opinions on this matter, I thought it would be remiss had I not wrote about it. Following the death of George Floyd at the hands of police brutality, some people, many of whom I believe to be closet racists. (not all) have been very dismissive of the black lives matter movement. Using what about ism. "I’m not racist but what about"...the problem with these messages, is that they don’t come across to me as a genuine statement that all lives matter. Rather it seems that the people pushing it are, bitter at the amount of attention the black lives matter movement is receiving for whatever reason. Wether It is because they feel like the black community is being made a priority. (As should be the case) and this makes them feel insecure and inferior I don’t know. The irony being this is how I imagine the black community have been feeling throughout human history when their people are mistreated. You know what i’ll give them this, all lives do matter, but this particular case is about an injustice and continuing injustice against the black community, so right now it is black lives matter. One would not watch an advert about lung cancer and say, "what about leukaemia, are you saying leukaemia is unimportant?" All lives don’t matter until black lives matter. This is what this section of people need to understand.




3rd year Journalism student at the University Of East London, book lover, writing lover and phycology nerd